Since 2022, we have conducted the member survey every half-year to better understand member experiences and needs. We’re happy to report that CATs responses were positive:
- 💪 CATs are learning about climate and taking action at work
- 📣 More CATs are spreading the word about green digital practices
- ❤️ CATs are finding community and connection
We’ve included some of our favorite quotes below to illustrate how our community is helping to advance sustainability in the tech industry.
There were also two main areas where we can improve. First, new CATs didn’t feel as supported through the onboarding process. Second, despite growing awareness of our knowledge base Outline, many felt that CAT information is hard to find. To make progress and improve these areas in the future, we need more help. If you’re interested in becoming a CAT volunteer, reach out to @Sandra on Slack or via email.
For any additional comments, please post in #7-cat-community-feedback, use our anonymous feedback form, or email
💪 Learning & taking action
As a space for tech workers to learn and become more effective advocates for climate, we were excited to see that over half of the responders said that CAT helped them learn about the intersection of climate & tech.
“I gained knowledge to understand how climate and tech are intertwined, and the impact on our present and future generations. Through the ECOWEB project, I also learnt how to audit a website, to know if the website is green or not amongst other things.”
“CAT helped me find lots of useful resources for my own learning but also to share with others. The atmosphere in the community slack is always enthusiastic and its infectious!!!”
“[CAT] exposed me to a more diverse set of opinion[s] and opinion leaders.”
36% also said they changed the way they work to be more sustainable.
“CAT has motivated me to establish a green team at my work. I regularly engage with the weekly newsletter a consistent source of inspiration, offering insights into impactful projects within the CAT community”
📣 Spreading the word
CATs are also sharing this climate action knowledge at their workplaces and in their professional communities. More survey responders than in previous years said they popularized the climate + tech topic (e.g. giving talks, writing, mentoring).
“CAT really helped to change my perspective about Green Digital Space . The general perception is that the digital space is clean and doesn’t harm the environment . I have now actively started advocating and spreading awareness through my [work].”
“I first learnt about Project Drawdown at the first [CAT event in London in 2020] – it got me hooked on how we can bring the topic to life. I now chair HSBC London Climate Action Network.”
“CAT has really helped me to understand the correlation between the climate and technology. It has given me an opportunity to advocate for Green Digital.”
❤️ Finding community
CATs continue to enjoy being part of the CAT community and strongly agree that CAT is a safe community to exchange ideas. Respondents shared how connecting with other members impacted them.
“CAT has helped me feel less alone about the climate crisis by talking to people who also share the concerns of our climate. It makes me motivated to continue to work in the Climate space.”
“It has brough companionship and knowledge to my path on making my work count for a better world. Meeting other inspiring people has energized me and want to do more to change our current unsustainable practices.”
“CAT has created a community in which I feel like I am welcomed for my personal investment in both tech and climate change which are usually polar opposites in the eyes of others in tech industries. CAT proves that there is a way for the two to co-exist when people have the will to make it happen.”
“Joining CAT has connected me with likeminded people in my area and more globally. I have found collaborators for ideas and events that help me further my own business and bring wider awareness of tech & sustainability to my community.”
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the survey or gives feedback on the community in other ways. Your insights and advice helps us volunteers know what’s working and what isn’t, so we can better support your actions and participation in the community. 💚