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#LetsGreenTheWeb Together

#LetsGreenTheWeb Together!

The #LetsGreenTheWeb campaign is a focused, 5 day Twitter campaign to encourage and support everyone to measure the carbon emissions of websites and share tweets highlighting the results. Find out how you can get involved.

How we improved our Website Carbon Calculator score from 59% to 84%

  • Actions

We followed the recommended steps from our own Reduce the carbon emissions of your website Action Guide, and checked our homepage emissions using the Website Carbon Calculator. Here’s an account of what we did to take action and increase our score from 59% to 84% on the calculator.


These are shared resources and thoughts from our CAT Salon and #d-antiracism channel.

If you build it, will they come? (CAT Salon)

  • Events

CAT member Nishul Saperia a mentor, investor and advisor across the startup spectrum. In his talk Nishul discusses what you should consider when starting a climate project and how to evaluate whether it is worth building and will be impactful.

Big Tech + Big Oil (CAT Salon)

  • Events

CAT member Roelof Pieters, CTO and co-founder of, dicusses the tech industry’s involvement in fossil fuel extraction and what we can do about it.

Climate & Investments (CAT Salon)

  • Events

Global equities pension fund manager, playwright and CAT member Ben Yeoh discusses why standard investing advice doesn’t consider sustainability, talks about extra-financial capitals and different stock market/equity strategies.