Advocate & influence
CAT Mini Grants
CAT members can apply for mini grants for projects that advance climate advocacy and benefit the community.
Advocate & influence Community learning
Community Climate Action Challenges
Join and suggest monthly action challenges that encourage and support CAT members in taking climate action together. Log in with your CAT Slack account to view and contribute to the CAT Action Calendar.
Community networking
Looking to meet some fellow climate-conscious technologists? Join us in our #cat-roulette Slack channel to get paired up with a randomly selected CAT every two weeks.
Community learning Green your craft
CAT Newsletter
A weekly spotlight of community news, hand-picked climate news, videos, podcasts, and other media, plus community-submitted climate events and jobs. Subscribe here or browse the full archive.
Advocate & influence
Branch Magazine
An online magazine written by and for people who dream of a sustainable and just internet. Edited and funded by the Green Web Foundation on behalf of CAT.
Community learning Green your craft
CAT Knowledge Base
A collaborative tool that allows any CAT member to record, collect, and browse community knowledge. You can use your existing CAT Slack account to log in and contribute, or learn more about the knowledge base in this blog post.
Past Projects
Community learning Green your craft
CAT Coffee
A regular, open event to mingle, share ideas, discuss things or just meet other CAT members. The topics we discuss vary at every event. Find notes and links from previous CAT Coffee’s on Outline.
Green your craft
CAT Salon
Informal discussion-based events to learn about a climate topic and share experiences and potential actions to take. View presentations on YouTube.
Community learning Green your craft
Watch parties
CAT members get together on a regular basis to watch or listen to talks, podcasts, and other content suggested by the community.
Green your craft
Climate Justice Squads and events
In collaboration with Work on Climate volunteers our Climate Justice Squads were small, themed groups that met over multiple weeks on the topic of Climate Justice. Check out our #climate-justice channel or view event recordings on YouTube.
Advocate & influence Speak up
#LetsGreenTheWeb campaign
The #LetsGreenTheWeb campaign is a focused, 5 day Twitter campaign to encourage and support everyone to measure the carbon emissions of websites and share tweets highlighting the results. Find out more.
Speak up
Every Friday at 11am, colleagues meet for 11 minutes to talk about climate and to show solidarity with the youth climate strikes. Join in: #11at11ClimateStrike on Twitter.
Advocate & influence
The tech industry can be both a cause of climate change and a solution. How do we transition our sector to be more sustainable and, at the same time, help transition the world to be more sustainable? Watch now.
Advocate & influence Speak up
Digital Climate Strike
CAT members contributed to the digital ‘green out’ campaign for businesses to show solidarity with the Youth Global Climate Strike. Over 10,000 websites joined, generating 38% of traffic to the Global Climate Strike website, and 30K+ additional signups [source].